Coin Problem - Colegiul National C. Negruzzi (Iași - Roumanie)

Colegiul National C. Negruzzi (Iași - Roumanie)
Problems of calculating different sums of money can often occur in real life. Although the number of coins used may differ, this research topic offers a fascinating glimpse into the intricacies of a unique currency system. In this paper we are presenting multiple methods of computing the possible sums of money an individual can pay according to the coins we have. We considered a limited number of coins (2 or 3) and even with this reduced number, it can be observed that there could be obtained almost all the sums, when the values of the coins are chosen properly, depending on the value of their greatest common divisor. We also present different possibilities of giving change back as well as give a programming solution to the problem.
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